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Exercise - Add Followers


Exercise: Adding Followers

In the Conduit.Data Project

Add a new class named Follow with the following properties:
Visibility     |     Modifier     |     Type     |   Name
  public       |                  |     int      |   Follower
  public       |                  |     int      |   Following
  public       |     virtual      |    Person    |   FollowerNavigation
  public       |     virtual      |    Person    |   FollowingNavigation
The second file you'll modify is Person class by adding the following properties:
Visibility     |     Modifier     |    Type                    |   Name
  public       |     virtual      |    ICollection<Follows>    |   FollowerNavigation
  public       |     virtual      |    ICollection<Follows>    |   FollowingNavigation
Also in the Person Class, create a constructor then add the following lines of code:
FollowerNavigations = new HashSet<Follow>();
FollowingNavigations = new HashSet<Follow>();

Finally the third file in the Conduit.Data Project

Modify ConduitContext by adding the following property:
Visibility   |   Type             |     Name
  public     |   DbSet<Follow>    |     Follows
In the OnModelCreating method, add the following code immediately after modelBuilder.Entity<Person>() configuration call.
modelBuilder.Entity<Follow>(entity =>
    entity.HasKey(e => new { e.Follower, e.Following });
    entity.HasOne(d => d.FollowerNavigation)
        .WithMany(p => p.FollowerNavigations)
        .HasForeignKey(d => d.Follower)
    entity.HasOne(d => d.FollowingNavigation)
        .WithMany(p => p.FollowingNavigations)

We'll cover this code in detail in the next video.


I finished! On to the next chapter