Authentication and Authorization - Login

Solution - Implement Interface


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Solution: Implement Interface

In the Conduit.Repositories Project

Modify AccountRepository.cs file
  • Notice the error indicated on IAccountRepository
  • Hoever over it and select [Show Potential Fixes]
  • Select [Implement Interface]

Here's the code for AccountRepository.cs file:


namespace Conduit.Repositories
    public class AccountRepository : IAccountRepository
        private ConduitContext Context;
        private IMapper Mapper;
        private IConfiguration Configuration;
        private ILogger<AccountRepository> Logger;

        private async Task<Account> CreateAccountAsync(Register register)...

        private void CreatePasswordHash(string password, out byte[] passwordHash, out byte[] passwordSalt)...

        private async Task<bool> UserExistAsync(Register register)...

        private User CreateUser(Account account)...

        private string CreateToken(User user)...

        public async Task<User> RegisterUserAsync(Register register)...

        public async Task<User> LoginAsync(Login login)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public AccountRepository(ConduitContext context, IMapper mapper, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<AccountRepository> logger)...