Docker for Linux
In this video, we will install Docker on our Linux system. Get started by going to store.docker.com and then select Docker CE. This will give us a list of installers for the Docker Community Edition. I'm going to filter the list for the Linux operating system and then I pick my distribution. I use Ubuntu, but choose the version that you prefer. If we scroll down, we see a paragraph about “Get Docker CE for Ubuntu” with a link that takes us to the Docker documentation.
Make sure that your operating system matches the OS requirements and then install Docker. We can do this in a variety of ways. For example, using a repository from a package or by using the convenience script. Their convenience script is not recommended for production environments, but we're just getting started with Docker so using it is perfectly fine in this case.
Scroll down and then copy the command to download the script. (SL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
) Paste it in the terminal and list the home directory. Execute the script using sudo sh get-docker.sh
. The script will set up the Docker repository for us and install the package. You can see that the installer executed Docker version files which gives us information about the Docker client on our system, as well as the server.
Be sure to read the post installation steps for Linux as you can get some valuable tips, including how to manage Docker as a non-root user.