What is Gatsby, anyway? Gatsby is a JAM stack static site generator built with React.
Wait a second, back up. What does any of that mean?
- Static site: a web page with fixed content
- Dynamic site: a site generated in real-time using server technology (PHP, Node, C#, etc.)
- Static site generator: a framework that can compile down things like JavaScript and Markdown into static HTML
- JAM Stack: A modern architecture to build apps with JavaScript, APIs, and Markup without web servers
Core Concepts in Gatsby:
- ReactJS - a UI library built by Facebook
- GraphQL - a query language for handling data in APIs
- Webpack - a modern bundling system for building JavaScript applications
- CSS-in-JS - using JavaScript to declare CSS styles (sometimes called JSS)
- Markdown - a simple markup language used for writing
Gatsby Vocabulary:
- Gatsby docs: http://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs
- Gatsby CLI - the command line interface used to generate, build, and serve Gatsby sites
- Starters - templates you can use to build Gatsby sites
- Plugins - points of extensibility for Gatsby