
Hosting Static Websites on Amazon S3 - Building a Static Website on S3


All the tutorials in this course:

We're going to create a bucket in S3, configure it as a static website, and push our HTML site files up to the bucket - ensuring that they're publicly accessible.

We'll create a Route 53 hosted zone where we'll set up the DNS space where our website will live, and a CloudFront distribution that'll give us both low-latency performance and the security of a TLS certificate. Then we'll point our Route 53 domain to the CloudFront distribution. Finally, we'll learn how to update our HTML code when we get tired of whatever's been there until now.

Most of my AWS work is done on the command line and through scripts. That's true in general, and it'll also be true of most of the work we're going to do in this course. If you don't yet have the AWS-CLI installed on your local machine, head over to the AWS documentation page that'll quickly get you all set up for whatever OS you're running.


I finished! On to the next chapter