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Testing Backend APIs with Postman

Making Requests in Postman


Getting Familiar with Postman

While the user interface for Postman may seem intimidating at first, making a request can be just as easy as pasting a URL into your web browser. For a plain old GET request, all you have to do is enter a request URL and hit Send to fire off the request. The process for building a request will vary depending on what kind of request you're trying to make, so it's worth it to read the Postman documentation that goes over all the different parts of the user interface and how they're used in the process of building a request.

Read the Postman documentation on sending requests

The documentation explains all the components of the user interface, and when they are used for making an HTTP request.

When working with Postman, the Request Editor will be the most used part of the interface, since it is where all of the parameters and scripts for requests are defined.

Making Your First Request

Let's give Postman a spin by making our first request. We can use the Conduit API to.

Make a request to the Conduit API to fetch the latest articles.

Put the following URL into the request editor and hit Send:

After we hit Send, Postman fires off an HTTP request to the URL we provided, and the response from the server is output below the request editor. The response section of the Postman interface lets us inspect the server responses in detail, giving us a dedicated view for bodies, cookies, headers and test results.

Read the Postman documentation on responses

The documentation explains the different parts of the response interface, along with how to prettify JSON responses or preview HTML responses.

In the next section, we'll go over how to use Postman to customize our requests with query strings and headers, along with how to make POST requests.


I finished! On to the next chapter