You might be thinking to yourself, what will I get out of this course? Well, let me tell you!
I will provide with a quick tour of the CLI to show you what it looks like. I will also go over what components are and how to create them, as well as things like component lifecycle and directives.
From there, we will look at how to use forms to get data from an outside source and put it into the app.
We will talk about how components talk to each other, and how to navigate to each component using the vue router.
Throughout each section, we will practice and build on this knowledge through exercises that I have put together to give you hands on experience with each of these topics.
A few pre-requisites:
- Node 10 + installed
- Some JavaScript Experience
- Willingness to learn and participate
If you ever need to reach out, feel free to contact me @halpinCodes on twitter, or at my website www.halpinCodes.com