Now that users can create and login to their accounts, we need a way to retrieve their current data as well as update it.
Geting the current user's data
To get the current user's info. Required authentication token.
GET /api/user
Returns a User object
Updating the current user's data
Update to bio, pic, name, etc
PUT /api/user
Authentication required, returns the updated User object
Example request body:
"email": "jake@jake.jake",
"bio": "I like to skateboard",
"image": "https://i.stack.imgur.com/xHWG8.jpg"
Accepted fields: email
, username
, password
, image
, bio
Showing public user data for profiles
What if we want to view the profile of another user on our site? We don't want to expose their email nor allow others to change their password, which is why those API endpoints are private. We'll need to create API endpoints that will only expose public data about the user.
First we'll need to create a new object for Profiles:
"profile": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "I work at statefarm",
"image": "https://static.productionready.io/images/smiley-cyrus.jpg",
"following": false
Getting a user's public profile
GET /api/profiles/:username
Authentication optional, returns a Profile
The other actions we can do with a profile is to follow and unfollow it.
Follow a user
POST /api/profiles/:username/follow
Authentication required, returns a Profile No additional parameters required
Unfollow a user
DELETE /api/profiles/:username/follow
Authentication required, returns a Profile No additional parameters required