
In Angular, it's a good idea to use explicit dependency declaration so that the code can be minfied. Doing so, however, requires the developer to maintain boiler plate.

Enter ng-annotate:

ng-annotate is a program that will automatically add explicit dependency injection to your source code.

note: ng-annotate is the successor to ngmin

First, install ng-annotate:

npm install -g ng-annotate

Now take the following code sample:

function TestCtrl($scope, $log) {
  $scope.$watch('random-event', function() {
    $log.log('hello world')

angular.module('test').controller('TestCtrl', TestCtrl)

And run it throw ng-annotate:

ng-annotate -a TestCtrl.js > out.js

The resulting out.js file will contain the explicit injection!

function TestCtrl($scope, $log) {
  $scope.$watch('random-event', function() {
    $log.log('hello world')
TestCtrl.$inject = ["$scope", "$log"];

angular.module('test').controller('TestCtrl', TestCtrl)

ng-annotate also supports source maps so you can get proper line/column numbers when debugging errors.

It's considered "best practice" to use ng-annotate rather than worry about maintaining the explicit injections yourself. There are many plugins that allo ng-annotate to work with all of the major JavaScript build systems including grunt, gulp, browserify, broccoli, and more