Introduction to $http

The $http service is how AngularJS makes rest API calls. It's capable of making the common 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', and 'DELETE' API calls as well as the less common 'PATCH' and 'HEAD' calls. It can also make jsonp calls for cross-origin requests.

The setup:

        <title>$http fun</title>
    <script src=""></script>
        <script src="app.js"></script>
    <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="TestCtrl as test">

function testService($http) {
  this.get = function() {}

function TestCtrl(testService) {
  var self = this;

  self.getMessage = function() {}

angular.module('app', [])
.service('testService', testService)
.controller('TestCtrl', TestCtrl)

GET-ing Data

Let's use the get() method to retrieve some data from a server:

function testService($http) {
  this.get = function() {
    return $http.get('')

function TestCtrl(testService) {
  var self = this;

  self.getMessage = function() {
      .then(function(res) {
        self.message =;

$http methods return Angular $q promises, which allows for clean code flow via promise chaining. We can use this concept to mutate the returned data.

Let's use this concept to send only the contents of message back to the controller:

this.get = function() {
  return $http.get('')
    .then(function(res) {
      // return the enveloped data

We can now call this from the controller like so:

self.getMessage = function() {
    .then(function(message) {
      self.message = message;

Notice how only the messages are being returned.

POST-ing Data

POST-ing data is similar to GET-ing it except we can pass a JavaScript object to be sent along with the request. In our service, we'll create a method that'll allow us to POST a message to an API endpoint and receive an upper-cased version in return:

this.upperCase = function(data) {
  return $'', data)

Then from the controller:

self.postData = function(message) {
  testService.upperCase({message: message})
    .success(function(body) {
      self.sendMessage = body.message;

Finally, in our HTML file:

<input ng-model="test.sendMessage" placeholder="Enter a message">
<button ng-click="test.postData(test.sendMessage)">uppercase</button>

In this example, we pass a string from an <input> field, through the controller and to the service where $ sends it off to the API. When the call returns, the resulting value is passed back to the controller which updates the views.

Examining the Response Object

The response object passed back via the promise contains several properties that describe the request:

  • config: the initial config object used to make the request
  • data: the data returned from the server. If the response type is set to 'application/json', Angular will automatically parse the received data and make it available as an object via the data attribute associated on the response object.
  • headers: this property contains further functions for retrieving header information associated with the request
  • status: the HTTP status code of the request
  • statusText: accompanying text of the response (e.g. "OK", "Bad Request", etc.)

Error Handling

Because $http methods return promises, error handling is quite simple. If the request returns with statusCode not in the 2xx range, the promise will be rejected.

success() and error() Methods

The promises returned by $http have two additional non-standard methods attached to them: success() and error(). These methods behave just like the then() and catch() methods on standard promises accept rather than passing a standard response object to the callback function, they instead pass the response properties as function parameters starting with data. They are provided merely as convenience functions.